Labour Must 'Up It's Game' To Win SNP Support

Written By Unknown on Minggu, 30 November 2014 | 23.39

If Labour wants the Scottish National Party to help put it in power after the election it needs to "up its game", Scotland's First Minister has said.

Nicola Sturgeon told Sky News there was no way her party would ever put a Conservative government in power but that the SNP wasn't in the business of propping up Labour.

The SNP is expected to perform well in the General Election in May and if Labour fails to win an outright majority Ed Miliband could look to Ms Sturgeon's party to deliver him to Downing Street.

Speaking on Murnaghan, Ms Sturgeon warned the Labour leader that if he was looking for her help then Labour would have to give up more powers to Scotland than were currently on offer from Westminster.

She said: "If Labour was dependent on the votes of SNP MPs then it would have to seriously up its game in terms of the powers it was promising to the Scottish people.

"But the key message here is that Scotland, by sending a strong team of SNP MPs down to Westminster, can have a much, much stronger voice and a much greater influence."

Ms Sturgeon said if corporation tax was devolved to Northern Ireland this week - as it expected - then power over the tax must be granted to Scotland, too.

She said that while she welcomed the Smith Commission report, which has recommended the greatest handover of powers to Scotland since devolution, there were further areas over which Holyrood should be given control.

She said: "I do think there are some significant powers that are not in the Smith Commission report that we should have in Scotland.

"Corporation tax, indeed a range of taxes, are one of them but also power over the minimum wage, greater powers over the social security system because what is really important is that we get our hands on the range of levers of power that allows us to grow our economy and tackle some of the deep-seated inequalities that we have in Scotland.

"The Smith Commission recommends income tax to be devolved, although, interestingly, it says that the personal allowance of income tax, which is one of the key levers you can use to lift people out of poverty, should remain reserved to Westminster."

Ms Sturgeon was also asked about oil prices and whether the crash to $60 a barrel would have blown a hole in the SNP's economic plan for independence.

However, she replied that OPEC forecast prices would rise to $100 a barrel in the new year.

She said a chunk of oil revenue should be saved for future generations so that the Scottish economy was not dependent on oil.

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